Ecological dishwashing

Did you know that an ecological program in the dishwasher does not always mean the most gentle choice?
Many people think that the ecological program logically shows the lowest consumption. However, it mainly depends on whether you want to save water or energy. Ecological settings are usually programmed to consume as little water as possible at a lower temperature, but consumption increases with a cycle of almost three hours. It is therefore best to always look in the dishwasher manual and check the water and energy saving potential of other programs, such as short washes.
How can you reduce consumption?

Never switch on the dishwasher half empty. Always make sure it is full before turning it on.
Set the dishwasher to operate at the lowest possible temperature.
You do not need to rinse the dishes beforehand. Why waste water on an operation that will be repeated in the dishwasher? All you have to do is scrape off the leftovers and don’t let the dishes dry for too long.
To save energy, you can run the dishwasher at night, when energy is significantly cheaper, and it also draws from local power plants.
Buy gentle detergents that do not burden wastewater and nature. For example, the ones from Sonett.